Who needs a map ?

Heya there, this is @arno_shae from twitter / Volt France.

Those who know will recognize a famous quote by a video-game character (whomst ?), but this isn’t important right now.

What is then ?

Well, I just uploaded interactive maps for every european country.

These are free, embeddable, and easily editable if you feel like dealing with a rather straightforward spreadsheet.

Here's the result below ! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Made with Flourish

The features

As you can see, you can hover and search the map for whatever item you put in the spreadsheet πŸ“

Grab your keyboards !

Every country is there, look on the Flourish Volt France page app.flourish.studio/@volt.france !

Step one: cloning

What you're going to do is click here on whatever map, top right corner

This is going to prompt you for confirmation, go ahead ..

Spreadsheet time

As you can see on this capture, everything happens on this spreadsheet ! πŸ€“

Precisely the column M is what makes the colors, but you can also specify columns G to M as hover data.

Now you do your little spreadsheet operations, for example I went to look at the brexit vote, and to be quicker with the table stuff I took the actual raw table (NEVER DO THIS !!) as an example.

Here's my table without processing, just removing upper case and cleaning stuff would go a long way, pick your weapon πŸ˜‰

You just upload the data file, and you pick your column to match geometries and data.. BOOM !. Granted to go quicker I just plotted the turnout rate, but here it is !

Made with Flourish


This is where you can find the maps, if you need them !